Help us to create a great video

We are currently in the process of doing a video for Pact and need some of the following pictures if any of you can help.

* Pictures of any trustees over the years that have helped shaped Pact to what it is today.
* Any pictures between 1977 – 2013 of any trips, parties or events you have attended.
* Any pictures of our holiday caravans from the outside or views from the caravan.

Please note the pictures must only contain pictures of yourself or your family members and by sending them to us you ALL agree for us to use them in any form of social media platform that PACT use.

You can direct message us on here or email them to the office on and putting ‘pact video’ in the subject line. We appreciate we may get hundreds of pictures and may not be able to use them all but we would love you to share your memories with us.